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Approved: May 5, 2016

Revised: May 9, 2019 (Article 1 - Section 1(b)

The name of this organization shall be known as the Diablo Athletic League, here and after referred to as the DAL. When applicable the DAL shall be divided into two divisions:  
     1. The Divisions shall be called the Foothill and Valley Divisions  
     2. The Divisions will be realigned every two years based on Athletic Equity in each division  
         a. Division assignment will be based on the current team records and the previous league records  
         b. Schools can petition yearly to be placed in a different division than their assigned division  

The purpose of this organization shall be to take care of arrangements connected with interschool athletics within this organization and to maintain high standards for the conduct of such athletics.  

     1. Membership in this league shall consist of those high schools that belong to the league at the time of its adoption and to other secondary
         schools that hereafter are admitted to the league.  
     2. A school or schools that hereafter aligned into the DAL but whose teams are not currently participating in the league shall be invited to attend all
         remaining Principals Council meetings within the current alignment cycle. Such school(s) will have one vote per school on all issues that will
         have effect in the upcoming year.  
     3. Application for membership or supplemental membership in the league shall be made in writing to the chairman of the Principals’ Council for the
         league. On receipt of such application, the chairman of the Principals’ Council shall notify the various schools that are members of the league
         and the application shall be voted on at the next meeting of the Principals’ Council of the league. A majority vote of the members of the
         Principals’ Council is necessary for admission to the league.  
         a. Schools can be assigned to the DAL for supplemental purposes by the Commissioner of the North Coast Section – CIF, with a
             recommendation of the NCS Alignment and Classification and support of the Board of Managers of NCS;  
         b. Schools can be place in the DAL for memberships by the Commissioner of the North Coast  Section – CIF, with a recommendation of the
             NCS Alignment and Classification and support of the Board of Managers of NCS;  
     4. The league shall disperse all league assets equally among the member schools at the end of this alignment cycle if any one of the member
         schools is aligned into another league of the North Coast Section or if the DAL is dissolved.  

     1. The Principals’ Council for the league shall consist of the principals of all schools of the league or their authorized representative.  
     2. The Council shall consider issues affecting all members of the league and shall have power to act in all such cases.  
     3. The president of the league shall serve as chairperson. The president will be determined in May and will rotate annually by alphabetical
         determination. The term will begin on July 1.  
         a. This rotation can be adjusted if it is in the best interest of the league schools  
     4. Meetings of the Principals’ Council shall be held in accordance with adopted By-Laws. Requests for special meetings shall be directed to the
         president of the league.  
         a. Unless otherwise requested, the Principal’s Council will meet four times per year.  
     5. A quorum, seven (7), shall consist of a majority of the member schools of the league. 
     6. Any measure approved by a majority vote of the Principals’ Council in a legal meeting shall become binding upon all member schools.  
     7. The principal or his/her designated representative shall make all motions and vote.  
          a. The “designated representative can be another Site Administrator or the Athletic Director of that school.  

     1. The Principals’ Council may establish an Athletic Directors’ Council that shall consist of representatives of each athletic department of the
         member schools.  
     2. The Athletic Directors’ Council shall meet at time directed by the Principals and be present at all regular meetings of the Principals’ Council.  
         a. The Athletic Directors will meet monthly to conduct the day to day business of the league  
     3. The duties of the Athletic Directors’ Council may include recommendations of general policies, schedules, dates, and places for contests. They 
          will serve in an advisory capacity to the representatives to the Principals’ Council of the league, casting one (1) vote per school for polling  

     1. These dues shall be paid into a league account which shall be established in a bank recommended by the League Commissioner and approved
         by the Principals’ Council.  
     2. Any school which has paid its dues is entitled to compete within the league providing it remains in good standing according to C.I.F., N.C.S,. and
         league rules.  
     3. Special assessments that are deemed necessary may be levied upon member schools by majority vote of the Principals’ Council.  
     4. Yearly dues assessments will be established by the Principals Council following the presentation of the annual budget by the League
         Commissioner and approval of said budget.  

     1. The Principals’ Council shall employ a league commissioner.  
     2. The commissioner serves at the pleasure of the Principal’s Council and performs duties as outlined in the league bylaws.  

Any C.I.F. rulings that govern all leagues automatically become part of this constitution. No rules or regulations under this constitution or by-laws
shall be in conflict with State C.I.F. or N.C.S. regulations.  

This constitution and its by-laws shall go into effect when ratified by a majority vote of the Principals’ Council. 

The interpretation of any part of the constitution or by-laws shall rest with the commissioner. Appeals may be directed in writing to the Principals’

     1. Amendments to this constitution or its by-laws may be made by a majority vote of the Principals’ Council at a duly called meeting. Written
         notices of proposed amendments must be given in advance to all members of the Principals’ Council in accordance with the Brown Act.  
      2. Any amendments will be presented at a league meeting as a “first reading” and will be voted on at the next scheduled or special league

This organization is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. "Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law) or (b) by a organization's contributions to which are deductible under section 170(C)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law)." Upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, (or corresponding section of any future tax code), or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.  


Diablo Athletic League, est. 2016

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