Approved: May 5, 2016
Revised/Approved: May 11, 2017 (Section 10; Items 2-5 Scheduling)
Revised/Approved: June 5, 2017 (Section 22; Item 14 Senior Night Recognition)
Revised/Approve: February 8, 2108 (Section 16 – Maximum Fees for Admission)
Membership in the Diablo Athletic League is composed of the following high schools:
School Mascot Colors
Acalanes Dons Blue & White
Alhambra Bulldogs Blue & Gold
Benicia Panthers Blue & Gold
Berean Christian Eagles Navy & Gold
Campolindo Cougars Navy, Red & White
Clayton Valley Charter Eagles Red, White, & Blue
College Park Falcons Purple & White
Concord Minutemen Green & Gold
Las Lomas Knights Maroon & Gold
Miramonte Matadors Green & White
Mt. Diablo Red Devils Red & Green
Northgate Broncos Cardinal & Gold
Ygnacio Valley Wolves Navy & Gold
The Principals’ Council will determine DAL Meetings. An agenda will be posted in the appropriate manner. The Athletic Directors’ Council will meet at 8:30 am on the second Thursday of each month. The Principals’ Council will meet with the Athletic Directors’ Council at 9:30 am on the second Thursday of September, November, February, and May.
The president shall designate the place and time of meetings of the Principals’ Council after consultation at a general meeting. If no agreement can be reached, the president may set up the place of meeting.
1. The school represented by the principal or designee, chosen president of the Principals’ Council shall preside over all league
a. The Vice President or President Elect will assume the role of the President, in his/her absence.
2. The President and Vice-President (President Elect) will represent the league at all NCS Board of Manager meetings.
3. The president shall appoint a review committee to update the constitution and by-laws annually and submit its recommendations to
the Principals’ Council.
4. The President shall post the league meeting agenda, visible outside the building, at his/her school at least 72 hours prior to the
meeting in order to comply with the Brown Act.
1. The league commissioner shall be selected by a majority vote of the Principals’ Council
2. The league commissioner's compensation will be reviewed annually by the Principals’ Council at their February meeting.
3. Duties of the League Commissioner:
General Responsibilities
1. The Commissioner shall perform the duties of this Article and such additional duties as stated in the By-Laws.
2. The Commissioner shall uphold the Constitution and By-Laws of the Diablo Athletic League (DAL.)
3. The Commissioner has the authority to deny admission to any individual into any or all DAL interscholastic athletic events.
4. The Commissioner shall preside over official meetings of the Athletic Director’s Council.
5. The Commissioner shall attend the NCS Commissioner Workshop in August.
6. The Commissioner shall organize committees when necessary.
7. The commissioner is responsible for the creation of all league schedules.
1. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner to maintain accurate records of meetings in chronological order and to keep the Constitution and By-
Laws up to date in accordance with adopted changes.
2. The Commissioner shall revise annually the publication of the Diablo Athletic League Constitution and By-Laws as authorized by the Board of
3. The Commissioner shall keep records of all changes made by the Principals’ Council during the school year.
4. The Commissioner shall publish and distribute the Constitution and By-Laws to the member schools at the first meeting of the new school year.
5. The Commissioner shall receive and file all classification sheets sent by each school.
6. All records of the league shall be kept in the Commissioner’s office.
1. The Commissioner shall send the constituent schools notice of all important communications received from the section or state offices and
shall, if requested by any school member of the league, secure information and decision from NCS or CIF.
2. The Commissioner shall maintain the Diablo Athletic League Website.
3. The Commissioner shall prepare an agenda for all league meetings, including the scheduling and setting of agendas for all pre- and post-
season sport meetings.
4. The Commissioner will be responsible for the recording and distribution of all minutes of official DAL meetings.
1. The Commissioner shall establish and maintain non-profit status for the DAL.
2. The Commissioner shall act as treasurer of the league. He/she shall keep the funds of the league on deposit in a bank approved by the
Principals’ Council. At the close of each school fiscal year, the Commissioner shall make a financial report to the Principals’ Council.
3. The Commissioner shall complete all league financial records, communications and pertinent league, section, and state CIF information.
4. Receive and disburse funds;
5. Keep accurate records of transactions;
6. Publish financial report of the Diablo Athletic League as directed by the Principals’ Council;
7. Prepare budget proposals for ensuing year by the last meeting of the current year;
8. Receive and audit reports of league fees and bill the schools for their fees.
1. The Commissioner shall receive all protests from the Principals’ Council and handle protests in accordance with provisions set up in the By-
2. The Commissioner shall interpret the rules, philosophies, procedures, and sport guidelines governing the DAL subject to review by the
Principals’ Council.
3. The Commissioner shall have the authority to assess penalties and resolve problems applicable to schools and individuals judged in violation of
DAL rules.
4. The Commissioner shall request a committee of three neutral principals be appointed by the League President when unable to interpret a
league rule, philosophy, procedure or guideline.
5. The Commissioner will be responsible to obtain the Dates of Determination from all member schools.
6. The Commissioner will convey notice of league action to NCS for final action as required by NCS.
7. The Commissioner will maintain records of league actions pertaining to eligibility.
8. The Commissioner will assist schools filing for eligibility consideration.
Clarification of Rules
1. Receive request from coaches or administrators on interpretation of league, NCS or CIF rules.
2. As needed, contact NCS or CIF offices for clarification.
3. Maintain updated information concerning NCS and CIF regulations.
4. Render interim judgments, according to the spirit of the Diablo Athletic League Constitution and By-Laws, for situations not specifically covered
by an official rule or regulation of the Diablo Athletic League, said judgment will stand until action is taken by the Principals’ Council.
5. Commissioner is to ensure compliance with all NCS and CIF state policies and rules concerning gender equity.
Secretarial Duties
1. Receive correspondence to the Diablo Athletic League and forward copies to those involved.
2. Prepare correspondence at the direction of the Principals’ Council or league officers.
3. Prepare required forms for interscholastic participation.
4. Maintain appropriate supplies for office use.
5. All records of the league shall be kept in the commissioner's office.
Other Duties
1. Whenever possible, be at league contests that determine the league champion.
2. The Commissioner shall be part of the negotiations with officials’ organizations under contract to the league.
1. Each league sport shall have a committee consisting of the head coach of each league school participating in that sport.
2. The varsity coach of the school of the league president shall chair each sport committee. He/she will assist the commissioner in
preparing agendas and calling special meetings. The commissioner shall be responsible for reproduction and distribution of minutes
of all meetings. It is recommended that an athletic director is in attendance at all meetings.
3. Each sport committee shall develop and maintain guidelines to define the specific parameters for the sport. The Principals’ Council
must approve adoption, changes and additions to the guidelines.
4. Sport committees will meet at a pre-season and a post-season meeting each year to discuss the problems related to their activity and
to make recommendations to the Athletic Directors’ Council for consideration of the Principals’ Council. Recommended changes to
guidelines shall be made at the post-season meeting. Coaches may recommend changes. These changes will be presented by the
commissioner at the next regular Principals’ Council meeting as a First Reading. After review, action may be taken at the next
regularly scheduled Principals’ Council meeting.
1. Any league school sponsoring an invitational tournament shall notify their intention in writing to the league commissioner annually. Completion
of the league or NCS sanctioned event form complies with this requirement.
2. All league or school hosted tournaments shall receive commissioner or league approval prior to NCS or State CIF required sanctioning.
1. Each school shall accept responsibility for hosting league meets for any sport upon the request of the Principals’ Council. Costs of any staff
coverage, equipment, etc., unusual circumstances, and exceptions should be acted upon by the league before commitment. Costs covered by
the league are delineated below.
2. The host school of league-sponsored contests should have an adequate number of service personnel, such as ticket sellers, gate people,
competent timers, and scorers. Police are assigned as the Event Director deems necessary. Any other expenses are to be cleared, in advance,
by the Event Director with the league commissioner.
3. Profits from events hosted by DAL schools will be retained by the league treasury.
4. The Principals’ Council will set pay rates, fees, and admission prices.
The DAL will conduct post-season qualifying meets and tournaments when necessary. These events fall into two categories:
1. Events where admission fees for spectators are charged when feasible: basketball, soccer, swimming, track, volleyball, water polo,
Lacrosse, and wrestling.
a. The events listed above will have a paid Meet Director who will be responsible for organizing and conducting the events with the
assistance of league member schools.
b. The admission fees are $10.00 general admission, $5.00 students, Senior Citizens and all youth; 7 years or older. Six years and
under are free.
c. School Booster Club Cards are not valid for DAL Post Season Tournaments.
2. Events where no admission fees for spectators are charged: cross-country, golf, tennis, softball, and baseball.
a. The responsibility for conducting these events will be shared by league member schools on a rotating basis (refer to sport guidelines).
1. The number of games which may be scheduled in any sport, day/dates, time of day, and length shall be established by the Principals’ Council.
These will be presented in the sports guidelines.
2. When advisable, rotation-type sports scheduling is recommended, using the following criteria:
a. League records from the current year and the previous year;
b. Review the overall league records, overall records, and max prep rating;
3. Schools (teams) will have the ability to petition up or down. If agreed to by the Athletic Directors, the proposal will go forward to the Principals
Council for a final decision.
4. The Principals or their designees must approve any change in a scheduled event between their two schools. The league commissioner must be
notified of the change.
5. The commissioner shall designate dates and times for possible tie-breaking contests.
1. All games must be played as scheduled except as noted below. The school that cancels the scheduled game will automatically forfeit that
2. If any two schools mutually agree to play any games at any other time than that which is posted on the schedule, the responsibility of notifying
all parties involved rests with the "home team school." All changes must be approved by both principals and/or athletic directors and reported to
the commissioner.
3. When adverse conditions occur (inclement weather, unsafe pool/field conditions, etc.) warrant rescheduling a contest, determination shall be
made by the head coach and athletic director of the home team involved and the principal or designee, shall be notified. Variations in this By-
Law may be covered in individual sport guidelines.
1. Practice during the vacations of the school calendar year is permitted.
2. No league games are permitted during winter or spring vacations, or any extended school vacations, unless approved by the Principals’
1. FALL SPORTS: Cross-country, Football, Flag Football, Girls Tennis, Girls Volleyball, Boys Water Polo, Girls Water Polo and Girls Golf
2. WINTER SPORTS: Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, and Wrestling
3. SPRING SPORTS: Baseball, Boys Golf, Softball, Boys Volleyball, Track & Field, Swimming/Diving, Boys Lacrosse, Girls Lacrosse, Boys
Tennis, and Stunt Cheer.
1. Student athletic eligibility is established and maintained by NCS rules. Refer to NCS Constitution and By-Laws.
2. Each school must verify the current eligibility of all athletic participants in all sports in every season of sport.
3. Coaches have the option of moving eligible players up and down, between JV, Frosh/Soph, and Varsity on a game-by-game basis, day by day
allowing athletes one level of play in one sport per day.
4. Variations in this bylaw may be covered in individual sports guidelines.
5. Seniors are prohibited from playing on Junior Varsity teams unless there is an exception approved by the DAL Principals’ Council except in the
sports of Cross Country and Swimming.
The Principals’ Council shall determine championships in varsity sports. The Principals’ Council shall also consider the establishment of awards.
General Admission........................$10.00
Students ages 7-19 years..............$5.00
Senior Citizen (60+).......................$5.00
Children 6 and under......................free
Passes determined by home site
1. Member schools may charge admission for league regular season competition.
2. School booster cards are only valid at home events, excluding post-season events.
3. Home site will determine Admission Policies for all spectators.
Principals shall determine the persons from the school and community who are to receive complimentary passes. League passes are good for all league events including league playoffs, but not league member school invitational events. Each school will receive the appropriate amount of passes for staff plus one guest, good for member school contests only. Each school will be given up to 40 passes. Additional passes must be approved by the DAL Commissioner. Schools will honor free admission to school staff (with school ID.)
1. The league will advance team and individual entry fees for member schools continuing beyond league play to NCS competition. Entry fees are a
budgeted item and will be billed back to schools.
2. School(s) entering NCS competition in sports that are not a part of the regular league sports program are responsible for their own NCS entry
All league member schools are required to include the following, or a similar statement, in the materials given to students transferring to/from another school:
Notice Regarding Eligibility to Participants in Interscholastic Athletics:
Transferring from one school to another may affect your athletic eligibility under the Diablo Foothill Athletic League, North Coast 6 Section, and/or California Interscholastic Federation rules. It is the athlete's responsibility to see his/her school principal for a copy of the rules.
1. Any member school, through the principal, may request an investigation of potential violations of the league Constitution, By-Laws, rules and
2. The principal must notify the league commissioner of the alleged violations in writing.
3. The commissioner shall ask the principal of the school being investigated to submit all pertinent data relative to the alleged violation.
4. The commissioner shall investigate the allegations without publicity.
5. The commissioner shall render a decision based on his/their interpretation of the League Constitution, By-Laws, rules, philosophy, procedure,
and sports guidelines.
6. When the commissioner deems it necessary, he/she may request the league president to establish a committee of three neutral principals to
review the alleged violations and render a decision.
7. Involved parties will be notified within 72 hours by phone of the decision of the commissioner or the committee of neutral principals.
8. A written decision will be submitted to the Principals’ Council.
9. In such matters, the league commissioner or the committee shall have the authority to render decision and to act on behalf of the DAL
Principals’ Council.
10. To ensure due process, hearing procedures will be conducted within the guidelines of the NCS Constitution and By-Laws.
SECTION 21 - Code of Ethics
The Principals’ Council of the Diablo Athletic League hereby reaffirms the CIF Code of Ethics for Athletes.
It is the duty of all concerned with high school athletics (administrators, coaches, and students):
1. To emphasize the proper ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct, and fair play,
2. To eliminate all possibilities which tend to destroy the best values of the game,
3. To stress the values derived from playing the game fairly,
4. To show cordial courtesy to visiting teams and officials,
5. To establish a positive relationship between visitors and hosts,
6. To respect the integrity and judgment of sports officials,
7. To achieve a thorough understanding and acceptance of the rules of the game and the standards of eligibility,
8. To encourage leadership, use of initiative, and good judgment of the players on a team,
9. To recognize that the purpose of athletics is to promote the physical, mental, moral, social, and emotional well-being of the individual players,
10. To remember that an athletic contest is only a game, not a matter of life and death for player, coach, school, officials, fans, community, state, or
1. All activities and actions by fans/spectators at athletic events are to be of a positive nature (i.e. negative rooting in support of your team and
other negative or distracting forms of activities shall not be permitted). In line with this objective, all rooting sections will be under the direction
and leadership of school officials, cheerleaders, and song leaders. The following kinds of actions will not be allowed:
a. Obscenities or vulgarities - verbal, gestured, or printed.
b. Provoking signs, gestures, and/or verbal harassment.
c. Abuse of officials.
d. Unauthorized noisemakers and amplified sound by either school. At indoor sports such as basketball, volleyball or wrestling.
e. Pep bands at basketball games are not to exceed a reasonable amount at the principal’s discretion. The instruments are to be used only for
appropriate musical selections by the group.
2. Vandalism or littering of opposing school's campus will not be tolerated and may be grounds for forfeiture of the contest.
3. No distracting or derogatory activity or noise is to be permitted behind the basket area while free throw shooting is occurring.
4. The home school is the host school and is in charge of the seating arrangements for games at that site. No tape decks, radios, portable
televisions or other amplified sound are allowed in the spectator area. Confetti is not allowed.
5. Only banners that promote good sportsmanship are permitted.
6. Only home management may provide appropriate pre-game music.
7. An individual school may have an organized activity at basketball halftime, provided that it does not extend the regulation halftime length.
8. At basketball and football events, any activity by spectators is not permitted on the floor/field during halftime, unless it is part of the halftime
9. It is the home school's responsibility to plan and execute a football homecoming halftime program that confines itself to the National Federation
Rule of 20 minutes.
10. Spectators are prohibited from wearing masks, paper bags or anything over their faces or from painting their faces, which makes it difficult for
school officials to identify them.
11. Possession and use of laser pointers is strictly prohibited at all DAL athletic contests.
12. The DAL subscribes to the NCS ejection policy.
13. Spectator Sportsmanship and Conduct Policies:
a. All spectator activity and action are to be positive, respectful of all athletes, officials, coaches, cheerleaders, supervisory staff, and fans.
b. At Basketball games, sitting or standing in the area near the basket is not permitted. Spectators are to remain seated in their own
designated area throughout the entire contest.
c. No derogatory or distracting activity behind the basket area is permitted while free throws are occurring.
d. Spectators are to remain off the playing floor before, during, at half time, and after games.
e. Tape decks, radios, portable televisions, and other amplified sound devices are not permitted in the spectator seating area.
f. Air horns, confetti, bells, whistles, and other noisemakers are not permitted. Possession and use of laser devices are prohibited
g. Masks, face painting, or any device to make identification of spectators difficult for security or school personnel are not permitted.
h. Spectators may not stand on the floor. Spectators may not sit in the row closest to the court, with the exception of a sold out event.
Alhambra, Concord, and Yganacio Valley High Schools are the exception. Administration is required to enforce this policy.
14. Senior Night Recognition.
a. It is recognized that host schools desire to recognize senior athletes and cheerleaders at the last home game of their career, keeping in
mind that such recognition shall be conducted in a manner that will not adversely affect the start of games;
b. The Senior Recognition will neither interfere with the space and time needed for the visiting team to warm-up nor delay the start of the
varsity game. The visiting team must be allowed to continue pre-game warm-ups during the Senior Recognition presentation and must be
afforded space to do so under normal conditions. The visiting team should be considerate of the needs for Senior Recognition. The game’s
start time must not be delayed, unless it would have been delayed by the late finish of the prior game;
c. The host school’s administration and athletic director have the responsibility of enforcing teams to follow the Senior Recognition guidelines. If the league commissioner receives complaints of non-compliance to be valid, the league commissioner may request a vote of the
Principals of the league to require the violating school’s administration to do the preparation and administration of the presentation. Once
approved by vote of the Principals, this requirement may not be delegated to coaches, parents, or any other persons.
15. Cheerleaders
a. At all DAL Football and Basketball games, spirit squads from each school will be given an equal amount of time to perform at halftime with
the visiting school performing first.
b. Exceptions to this rule will be when a host school is holding Homecoming or Senior Night recognition activities.
To be read prior to the beginning of each home event:
“Good evening ladies and gentlemen. ___________High School welcomes you to tonight’s Diablo Athletic League contest between ____________and _____________High Schools.
We, at ________________High School would like to remind you that activity programs in the DAL are primarily for student participation and education. The purpose of the activity is to provide positive learning experiences and opportunities for personal growth of the participants. We are pleased to welcome our guests from _________________High School this evening.
This competition is being conducted according to the rules of the CIF, North Coast Section, Diablo Athletic League, these two schools, and the ______________School District. Cheerleaders, officials, and spectators are expected to assist in the promotion and achievement of good sportsmanship ideals by being personally responsible for demonstrating the highest ideals of fair, clean and wholesome competition.
We wish good luck to both teams. Thank you.
1. If overt acts of unsportsmanlike conduct are not resolved by the principals of the respective schools, the event is to be reported to the Principals’
2. A special committee of three principals shall be appointed by the commissioner to consider each overt act as an individual situation. This
committee should be comprised of principals whose schools are not involved in the dispute and be representative of as many districts as
3. The committee will review the situation immediately and decide a course of action for the Principals’ Council within 48 hours of the hearing.
4. This report will include findings and consequences. All consequences must be specific and well defined. A statement as to the effective date of
all consequences is also necessary.
5. This committee will act for the Principals’ Council.
6. The chairperson of the committee will notify all schools affected by the findings and consequences by phone immediately after the hearing.
1. An appeal of the commissioner's decision to penalize an individual player or school may be made by the school principal, in writing, to the
league commissioner within two working days. Procedures for such appeals hearing will be conducted within the guidelines of the NCS
Constitution and By-Laws. Suspension from participation will be held in abeyance pending the result of the hearing.
2. A decision of the DAL Principals’ Council may be appealed in writing to the North Coast Section within one calendar month of such decision.
Guidelines for such appeals hearing will be conducted within the North Coast Section Constitution and By-Laws.
3. The league recognizes the necessity for game officials to enforce the rules of the game and policies of the DAL/NCS/CIF. Therefore, the DAL
respects and acknowledges the judgment of the officials in all matters of game enforcement and, as such, that judgment of officials is final and
not subject to appeal.
1. Principals:
a. Principals will review the CIF Code of Ethics and above rules with all coaches and supervisors at the beginning of each school year.
b. Principals will ensure that adequate supervision is provided for each home and away contest.
c. Principals will review the CIF Code of Ethics and the above rules of conduct with the cheerleaders and student body officers at the beginning
of each year.
2. Administrative Supervisors:
a. The visiting administrative supervisor shall be responsible for reporting to the home team supervisor at least 30 minutes prior to the beginning
of the varsity contests.
b. The administrative supervisors from both schools will identify themselves to the game officials prior to the start of the contest.
c. The administrative supervisors will be responsible for the behavior of their students and rooting section.
d. The administrative supervisors will be available to aid the home team supervisor when necessary.
e. The host school administrator must provide adequate security for the athletic facility and the surrounding area.
f. Each school should send at least one administrator, or a designee, to all league varsity football and basketball games.
g. The administrative supervisors will place themselves where they can adequately supervise and be visible to their rooting section.
h. Administrators from each school must remain at the site after the contest until the crowd has dispersed.
i. Home fans stay on Home side and Visitors stay on Visitors side.
3. Coaches:
a. Coaches will be responsible for establishing examples of conduct that reflect the highest levels of sportsmanship and integrity.
b. Coaches will be responsible for reviewing the CIF Code of Ethics, NCS Sportsmanship rules, and league and district expectations with all
players at the beginning of each sport season.
c. Coaches are prohibited from holding team meetings or conducting team practices on Sunday.
1. Aggressive treatment of open wounds or skin lesions should be followed wherever a participant suffers a laceration or wound in which oozing or
bleeding occurs. The practice or game should be stopped at the earliest possible time, and the contestant should be removed from the activity
for appropriate treatment. The student-athlete should not return to the activity without approval of the appropriate official.
2. Universal Precautions:
a. Routine use of barrier precautions should be taken to prevent skin and mucous membrane exposure when contact with blood or other body
fluids is anticipated. Gloves should be worn for touching blood, bloody fluids, mucous membranes of non-intact skin (e.g. handling items or
surfaces soiled with blood or body fluids), and for performing vein puncture. Gloves should be changed after contact with each student-
athlete. Masks and protective eye wear or face shields should be worn during procedures that are likely to generate droplets of blood or
other body fluids to prevent exposure of mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and eyes.
b. Hands and other skin surfaces should be washed immediately and thoroughly if contaminated with blood or other body fluids. Hands should
be washed immediately after gloves are removed.
c. Surfaces contaminated with blood should be cleaned with a solution made from a 1-10 dilution of household bleach.
d. Precautions should be taken to prevent injuries caused by needles, scalpels, and other sharp instruments or devices. To prevent needle-stick
injuries, needles should not be recapped, purposely bent or broken by hand, removed from disposable syringe, or otherwise manipulated by
e. Although saliva has not been implicated in HIV transmission, to minimize the need for emergency mouth-to-mouth resuscitation,
mouthpieces, resuscitation bags, or other ventilation devices should be available for use.
f. Health-care workers who have exudative lesions or weeping dermatitis should refrain from all direct patient care until the condition is
g. Soiled linen should be bagged and washed in hot water with detergent.
h. In the athletic environment, universal guidelines should be considered in the immediate control of bleeding, and when handling bloody
dressings, mouth guards, and other articles containing body fluids.
i. Each member school will include appropriate Bio Hazard waste receptacles.